Cannabis and ASTM:
Growth Is a Grassroots Effort

The cannabis industry is growing – so is the need for quality assurance and safety standards. In 2017, a diverse group of globally recognized industry leaders came together to form ASTM Committee D37 on Cannabis and began developing international standards for cannabis under the ASTM umbrella. This inclusive group empowers a cross section of voices in the industry to shape its future through the collaborative development of trusted standards. Emerging industries such as cannabis turn to ASTM International and our 120+ years of experience as a leading international standards developer.

Everything grows better in community. ASTM International is an organization of inclusion – offering global access to fully transparent standards development, resulting in the highest technical excellence in standardization. Join our expanding network of experts and learn why so many emerging industries turn to ASTM to help build the future they want to see.


A 360-Degree Approach:
Products and Services for Every Aspect of Your Industry

Our comprehensive approach to standards development allows businesses to improve quality control while also enhancing safety. With services ranging from training, testing, and certification programs to advisory, sales, and marketing solutions, our holistic outlook provides confidence and credibility for industry stakeholders.


ASTM International is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization that develops voluntary consensus standards and defers to appropriate government authorities to determine the legal and regulatory framework regarding the control and use of cannabis.

Improve Quality and Safety From Every Angle

Learn How With Our 360-Degree Approach

Core Activities:
How We Help Your Community Thrive

Cannabis Committee of Experts

Join 1,000+ industry experts on Committee D37 on Cannabis. Collaborate with your peers in developing consensus-based standards that improve safety, quality, and testing procedures.

Standards and Publications

Access ASTM cannabis and hemp standards, learn more about the dozens of standards under development, and have a voice in shaping your industry.

Proficiency Testing and Certification

Streamline your operations and demonstrate your business’ commitment to health and safety through testing solutions and certification programs.


Expand your team’s knowledge with in-person and online courses that cover all areas of the cannabis and hemp industry. Learn at your own pace from industry experts.

About ASTM:
A Trusted Leader the World Over

The standards leader in 150 global industries, ASTM has improved the lives of millions through trusted standards and innovative business services. Emphasizing transparency and technical excellence, our community of volunteers enables businesses and consumers alike to make more confident choices.


Global ASTM Standards


Volunteer Members


Participating Countries


Years of Operation

Ready to Make an Impact in the Cannabis and Hemp Industry?

Join Our Community and Make Your Voice Heard